
The day started with exploring Burano, the colors of the town were something you only see in movies. The best part of that day was not the delicious food, for once, it was the experience after dinner. We stepped outside the restaurant to the most beautiful rainbow. It made the colorful buildings glow. Everyone was so happy and so grateful, the moment was perfect. I will never forget that day- Jayna, Fall 2017

Experience Venice with FSU Florence here!

Venice, or La Serenissima (the most Serene) as it is affectionally called among Italians, is located in the Veneto region and was founded over 1500 years ago. Made up of 118 small islands, connected by 400 bridges, and completely held up by wooden piles lodged firmly in its lagoon, it is an engineering marvel. The architecture in Venice, known as Venice gothic, has Byzantine and Islamic influence, a telltale sign of its years as a major power within the trading world in medieval and modern times. Even after a harrowing history surviving barbarian attacks, both world wars, and numerous invasions, it still tops the World Unesco Sites as one of the most visited cities and continues to be a popular tourist destination.

Despite its popularity among tourists, students will have the chance to visit sites that few tourists have experienced before as we have created an itinerary which offers prestigious experiences and off-the-beaten-path visits in order to create a unique and memorable experience.

A full weekend in Venice, after arriving by train, includes:

A once-in-a-lifetime exclusive night visit to the world known St.Marks Basilica during the evening: Students will be allowed to enter the Basilica after its doors close to the public, where they will have the chance to watch it glow, as one by one the lights switch on creating a breathtaking effect on the completely gold and glass covered mosaic ceiling. A professor will walk them through the history of the basilica and St.Mark himself, before bringing them inches away from the Pala D’Oro, gold and jeweled encrusted altarpiece , universally known as one of the most accomplished works of art in Byzantine enamel.

Private boat transportation which will whisk students away to lesser known Venetian islands:

  •  Torcello is also known as the parent island of Venice, as the town with its cathedral was settled in 452, before St.Marks Basilica. Few people have been to a place so scarcely populated, and so peaceful- is a small island that has a population of 30 people. Students will walk down a quiet path along a lagoon, to visit the Torcello cathedral which houses some of the most ancient mosaics in Venice.
  • Burano, a fisherman’s island minutes away from Torcello, known for its brightly colored houses and lace-making shops. After exploring the picturesque streets and squares, and taking in the colors, students will enjoy a typical Venetian meal at a restaurant in the main square.

Museum visits and lectures may include: visits to the Accademia museum, once an art academy which now houses Venetian masterpieces up until the 18th century or the Peggy Gugenheim modern art museum, one of the most visited museums in all of Venice transformed from Peggy Guggenheims residence located on the Grand Canal.

Lodging in an area known only to the locals, out of the way of the crowds and just a walk away from the Accademia and Peggy Gugenheim museum.